


Logiciel management multi-sites

Catégorie :

Référence : QT-DLE/M



Système d'exploitation graphique 3D pour SSI adressable multi sites.

Vendu sous forme de logiciel avec clé Dongle USB.


Lite (QT-DL/1)

For Connection to a Single Quatro Panel

QT-DL/5, QT-DL/20 & QT-DL/64

For Connection of Up to 64 Panels via a Multiple Zeta

Panel Network

Graphical Alarm Manager

(QT-DL/1, QT-DL/5, QT-DL/20 & QT-DL/64)

TCP/IP Ethernet LAN

TCP/IP Ethernet LAN

The Quatro Addressable

system has a PC graphics

package called Datalog

Alarm Manager. This is

an advanced system, based on our software

partner’s many years experience in the event

logging industy. The system is of a modular

design, with the aim of the end user just

purchasing the modules required.

The configuration is powerful but intuitive, allowing large systems to be configured with ease. The configuration of the system is done with different software package to the normal operation software, so that an inquistive operator has no facility to accidentlly change the system. The configuration software is avalible as a single site licence, allowing the user to just edit the data on a specific site, or as a multi-site licence. This is aimed at system installers who may regularly install such systems.The software will run on any Windows PC of suitable specification, allowing the user to choose there own PC hardware. The system is available in a number of sizes, ranging from a single panel, to 32 panel network or combined networks up to 64 nodes. This allows the user to select the size that suits their system. A separate software module (QMS) is available that allows a screen to be used as a mimic, allowing a simpler solution to the usual LED mimic often used in large buildings Our software partners offer a 3D rendered site map service, to give the Datalog alarm manager a hugely impressive first point of contact.